= as a rule, generally, ordinarily, typically, popularly, as often as not, generally speaking.
Ex: As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.
Ex: Specific entry is generally recommended.
Ex: Library users ordinarily are unable to find if what they need is in the process of being cataloged, readied for the bindery, or being repaired.
Ex: Typically some parts of records can be searched and their elements used as search keys.
Ex: Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.
Ex: As often as not, especially with material-finding enquiries, the user's presence at the librarian's elbow permits an instantaneous reaction to each item found.
Ex: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you"ve been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.
* creencia generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
* generalmente + pensarse que = be/have generally held that.
* opinión generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
* usado generalmente = widely-used.